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The citizenship of Ukraine

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    Ukrainian citizenship.

    1. Receipt procedures.
    2. Obtaining citizenship according to the general procedure.
    3. Simplified procedure by territorial origin.
    4. Obtain citizenship by marriage.
    5. How to get Ukrainian citizenship for Russians.
    6. How to get Ukrainian citizenship for Belarusians.
    Громадянство України. Способи отримання і процедура
    Citizenship of Ukraine is a legal status of a person that allows to obtain a number of rights and freedoms in the country. Citizenship, like a permanent residence permit, allows a foreigner to stay in the country indefinitely. However, the certificate provides for some restrictions, such as lack of suffrage. Passport holders have no problems. How to obtain Ukrainian citizenship and what is required for this?

    Procedures for obtaining citizenship.

    When answering the question of how to obtain Ukrainian citizenship, it is necessary to consider two procedures – general and simplified. In order to obtain a passport under the general procedure, the applicant must meet a number of requirements, including:
    Процедури отримання українського громадянства

    • Renunciation of citizenship of another country. In Ukraine, the law prohibits the possession of two passports, so the applicant must first relinquish the citizenship of another country and present the relevant document;
    • Continuous residence on the territory of Ukraine for 5 years. To do this, a person must obtain a residence permit or any other document that allows you to stay legally in Ukraine. If you are thinking about how to obtain Ukrainian citizenship by marriage, it should be noted that in this case, the passport can be issued after 2 years of residence in the country;
    • Knowledge of the state language. A foreigner applying for Ukrainian citizenship must know the Ukrainian language and pass an appropriate examination with confirmation;
    • Confirmation of the source of funds. A person who works or receives money in another legal way can become a citizen.

    Ukrainian citizenship can thus be obtained in 2-3 years. This is not counting the 5 years that a foreigner is obliged to live in the country. Therefore, in some cases, the cherished document can be obtained by a simplified procedure. However, this requires appropriate official grounds, such as:

    • By territorial origin. Ukrainians who have previously relinquished their citizenship or who have roots in the country can obtain a passport;
    • As a result of adoption, guardianship and care;
    • In connection with the stay on the territory of Ukraine of one of the parents;
    • In connection with marriage to a citizen of Ukraine;
    • When granting asylum and refugee status to an applicant.

    Persons convicted in the country, accused of serious crimes, as well as participants in genocide or crimes against humanity will not be able to obtain Ukrainian citizenship.

    How is the admission to citizenship according to the general procedure.

    This procedure is relevant for people who are wondering how to obtain Ukrainian citizenship with a residence permit, or who live in the country on other grounds.

    A person wishing to obtain Ukrainian citizenship is obliged to appear at the territorial office of the State Migration Service and submit an application addressed to the President of Ukraine. If a foreigner intends to obtain a passport while in another country, you should contact the consulate. You can only apply in person.

    In addition to the application, the person is also required to submit a number of documents, which include:

    • A document confirming the refusal of a passport of another country, an application for renunciation of citizenship or a documentary obligation;
    • Photocopy of an old passport of a foreigner with a mark of entry into Ukraine – required to confirm the fact of stay for 5 years, residence permit;
    • Immigration permit to Ukraine;
    • Three photos, size 3.5 x 4.5;
    • Document confirming proficiency in the Ukrainian language (certificate of passing the exam or a certificate from an educational institution);
    • Document confirming the fact of employment of the applicant or the source of his income.

    Процедура прийняття громадянства України в Міграційної служби УкраїниAfter accepting the application and the package of documents, the territorial office of the State Migration Service (LCA) considers within 2 weeks. The appeal is then forwarded to the Main LCA Office in Kyiv, where it is reconsidered. After that, the case is transferred to the Government Commission on Citizenship. If no claims are made against the applicant’s documents, citizenship is granted by presidential decree.

    If the application was made not through the State Migration Service, but through the diplomatic or consular mission of Ukraine in another country, the agency also conducts a review within two weeks. Then the documents are sent to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and from there to the Citizenship Commission.

    The date of signing the citizenship is considered to be the date of signing the relevant decree by the President of the country.

    Pay attention! It is impossible to “buy” Ukrainian citizenship! There is no mechanism for obtaining a passport through special investment programs, such as in Cyprus. Therefore, never accept an offer to buy Ukrainian citizenship. Professionals can only speed up the procedure.

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    Simplified procedure by territorial origin.

    Citizenship of Ukraine by territorial origin can be obtained by persons who have previously lost their citizenship, or persons whose ancestors lived on the territory of Ukraine, but for some reason migrated. Foreigners whose close relatives still live in Ukraine can also obtain Ukrainian citizenship in a simplified manner. If a father, mother, grandmother, grandfather, brother or sister has a Ukrainian passport, a person can apply for citizenship.

    Спрощена процедура за територіальним походженням

    Applicants who can prove the origin of their relatives can receive the testamentary document on this basis. Confirmation can be a birth certificate or any other document proving kinship with a person who is a citizen of Ukraine or relinquished citizenship for some reason.

    How to get citizenship by marriage?

    Marriage to a citizen of Ukraine is also a basis for expedited proceedings. However, in contrast to the grounds of territorial origin, here the person first receives an urgent residence permit. The benefit of obtaining citizenship by marriage is that if a person can normally obtain a passport only after 5 years of residence in the country, for foreigners who have a Ukrainian spouse, this period is reduced to 2 years.

    The list of documents for persons who intend to obtain a passport for marriage with a citizen of Ukraine includes a marriage certificate. This document confirms your reasons. You are also required to submit a residence permit or other document confirming the residence of a foreigner in Ukraine for two years.

    How to obtain citizenship for refugees?

    Як отримати громадянство України біженцю?

    Also in Ukraine, citizens who have received refugee status can obtain citizenship under a simplified procedure. A refugee is a foreigner or stateless person who has been forced to leave his or her country of residence due to circumstances beyond his or her control. Such may be the threat to human life and health, revolutions, hostilities, genocide, etc.

    In order to obtain citizenship on this basis, a person must first obtain refugee status. Also, a person must live in Ukraine for 3 years. When applying to the state authorities for a passport, you must provide a document confirming renunciation, confirmation of refugee status, as well as confirmation of residence in the country for 3 years.

    How to get Ukrainian citizenship for Russians.

    The question of how to obtain Ukrainian citizenship for a Russian citizen worries many Russians. However, due to tense relations between the countries, this seems impossible. In fact, it is quite possible for Russians to obtain Ukrainian citizenship. Moreover, this has recently become even easier.

    On August 13, 2019, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky signed a decree granting citizenship to Russians under a simplified procedure. In particular, individuals who have suffered political persecution in their homeland or who took part in hostilities in the Donbas on the side of the Armed Forces will be able to take advantage of this opportunity.

    So, how can a Russian get Ukrainian citizenship in a simplified manner? If a person has been subjected to political persecution in the homeland, it is necessary to apply to the State Migration Service with a statement and a package of documents. In addition to standard documents, a citizen of the Russian Federation must provide proof of persecution for political reasons. This may be a certificate from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, diplomatic or consular mission in Russia, issued in the manner approved by the Cabinet of Ministers. If a person took part in hostilities on the side of the Armed Forces, in order to acquire citizenship, it is sufficient to submit proof of renunciation of citizenship of the Russian Federation.

    In addition, Russians can obtain a document on a general basis, or under a simplified procedure, similar to citizens of other countries who wish to undergo naturalization.

    How to get Ukrainian citizenship for Belarusians..

    Як отримати громадянство України білорусамThe collapse of the USSR divided many families. Many Ukrainians who left for Belarus for some reason before August 24, 1991, were forced to stay in Belarus. Many of them later received local citizenship and lived in Belarus for decades. However, over time, such people increasingly have the question of how to obtain Ukrainian citizenship for a citizen of Belarus? The same question is asked by indigenous Belarusians who are dissatisfied with their lives at home or have other reasons to move.

    It is important to know that there is a special agreement on citizenship between many republics of the former USSR. And Belarusians can use the norms of this document to obtain a Ukrainian passport under a simplified procedure. For example, you can use the rules of family reunification or territorial origin, which will restore citizenship in the shortest possible time.

    Moreover, Belarusians who decide to obtain a Ukrainian passport in a simplified manner will not even need to spend time renouncing the citizenship of the Republic of Belarus. According to the current agreement between the countries, citizenship is terminated automatically after submitting an application to the State Migration Service.

    Poshuk.info will help speed up the procedure for obtaining Ukrainian citizenship.

    With self-registration of citizenship, the procedure can be significantly delayed. Due to problems with government agencies, delays, and sometimes illegal actions, the procedure can take up to 3 years. Therefore, it is better to trust professionals. Lawyers will provide advice on changing citizenship, help prepare a package of documents and represent the applicant’s interests in public authorities. With professional help, you have the opportunity to change citizenship within 12 months.

    However, how to find a company that will help to obtain Ukrainian citizenship, the price of whose services will be acceptable, and the result – guaranteed? The Poshuk.info portal will help you with this. Our site presents a list of law firms that deal with citizenship. Using our service, the search process will take only a few minutes.

    At Poshuk.info you will find a large list of law firms that specialize in migration law or have relevant departments. So you do not have to call or write to different organizations and ask if they provide similar services. This saves you a lot of time and effort. In addition, thanks to Poshuk.info, you can choose several companies, visit their official websites, compare terms and prices for services. Poshuk.info will help you quickly find any law firm and get services at an affordable price.

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